Thursday, November 20, 2008

At a Loss...

I've come to the conclusion that I just don't understand the world anymore. It's like, I'm riding the rails of life, thinking everything is ok, then all of the sudden....the train drops me off in crazy town.

I feel a Top 10 coming on:

  1. WHY would we even CONSIDER letting a convicted felon sit in the senate?
  2. Why can a private company like eharmony have their business practicies dictated to them by a U.S. court?
  3. When did "By the people" cease to hold any meaning?
  4. Why am I expected to trust a government that can't even balance their checkbook?
  5. When did "Nationalism" become a dirty word in the english language?
  6. ........

Nevermind. I'm so confused, I don't even want to finish.