Monday, October 27, 2008

Manic Monday

Such a strange and surreal Monday. It seems like the world goes through these crazy shifts where the scales become unbalanced to favor good over evil, or vice versa.

In some ways, it seems a little like a tri-fecta: Anne Pressley, Jennifer Hudson, and then two drive by deaths on campus.

Today was sad. Sad and eerily quiet. I never thought I would see a day where I wished there were MORE students in the Student Center. It was like one of those crazy sci-fi movies where some terrifying plague has wiped out 99.9% of the population and the few that are left crawl out into the light, disheveled and confused. Today was like I Am Legend. It was a day filled with trepidation. Not because anything was likely to happen, but because you just couldn't tell if the proverbial last shoe had dropped.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

To Make a Comeback

I saw an interesting sign today that got me thinking. I know, right? Stiffle the shock.

"To Make a Comeback, You Have to Move On".

As I sat at the stop light by our local Chick-fil-a, I started thinking about that sign and how true that statement is. A lot of times, when we struggle with something and we fall, or when tragedy strikes and we waver, we put our hands in the air and expect God to reach down and propel us toward a different future. We spend so much time in self-condemnation or self-pity, that we robe ourselves of the very step necessary to bring about change. We refuse (for whatever reason) to move forward.

It says in the Word that his eyes roam the Earth looking for his children in need...that He is an ever present lighthouse in times of trouble, showing us which direction leads us back to His path. But there we sit, in our little dingy, riding wave after wave of troubled water, not willing or able to move towards that light. In fact, many times, we excuse ourselves of the responsibility of the pursuit all together. There comes a point when you realize that the only way to beat the situation is to put in your oars and prepare to row.

Don't ride out the storm, fight for a comeback.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I have a new love....

Don't's not another man!!! Everyone and their brother's cousin knows that I'm not interested in anyone else of the male persuasion until my husband's incredibly nice legs start to go South. haha Never gonna happen! They show no signs of stopping and even if they did, I know I would become fixated on another part...his eyes run a close second!
However, I have developed an increasing crush on Kim Bap. I'm crazy about the stuff. I think of different things to crush into the delicious wrapping of sesame seasoned rice and nori. (dried seaweed). My mouth waters at the anticipation of drowning it in soy sauce. Kim Bap is an enabler. I'd look pretty crazy downing a whole bottle of Kikkoman without it's help. Alas, only a few more days before my bamboo sushi mat arrives....the expectation alone is about to do me in!