Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So.....what's a body look like?

So, like every other family in America, we've been glued to the tube the last few days watching Phelps gather up gold medals like Easter eggs. Although watching him (and all the wonderful competitors, both American and otherwise) is indeed a site to see, my husband and I both witnessed the most awesome experience during the opening ceremonies.

As we sat on the couch and watched scene after scene, it became overwhelming how harmoniously the Chinese performers worked together to create such a show of symmetry! I have seen marching bands that would be considered by many to be impressive, but it was NOTHING compared to what we saw take place that night: Every step was assured, every single individual worked with those around them to become like one moving picture... one body.

Eventually, it got to a part where there were a collection of boxes in the center of the arena. Hundreds and hundreds of boxes that all moved up and down to create really complex designs. My husband and I argued over whether they were computerized. "Those are DEFINITELY people under there, Jason!" "No way, Heather, there is NO WAY people could work that well together as one." "Oh yes they could, if they were Chinese!"

Needless to say, a few minutes later I was vindicated. Up jumped the boxes and people poured out from under their cardboard 'shells'. Instead of rubbing in my meager victory, I was absolutely stopped dead in my tracks by my husband's response...

"You know, that's what we're supposed to be like... the Body of Christ. Can you imagine the impact that we would have and the things that we could accomplish if we could stop arguing and feeling superior long enough to really work together as God intended? Not only would it be efficient, look at how captivating it is to others watching?"

Believe it or not, that revelation rendered me speechless.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, they all had pretty good motivation to not miss a step. I figure the penalty was pretty high for falling down in the opening ceremony. As long as they do well, they get to keep all their family members.