Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm a masochist

Well, we bought a new house. Aside from the fact that I'm about to hyperventilate at the thought of carrying two mortgages, I'm doing pretty good.

It has a pool. That seemed like a REALLY good idea until I came to the realization that I was going to have to wear a swimsuit. Even with pepto, I'm still nauseous about it. I MUST be a masochist.

On a completely unrelated note, why can't I spell check my blogger posts? Does anyone know?

Saturday, February 9, 2008


I'm taking off today to Willamsburg, VA. I'm a basket case. I REALLY don't like to fly. REALLY DON'T!!! I don't know why it makes me so nervous. The security stuff really freaks me out!

On top of that, my husband is home negotiating the contract on a new house! There's some drama for if I didn't have enough to worry about. Did I happen to mention that I have had NO PEDICURE for over 6 months now. Do you know how bad my toes looked when I took my shoes off. I thought the poor security guy was going to call "OPEN TOE SHOE VIOLATION" on me. Good thing I am not flying internationally, I'm sure that would have been a deal braker.

The only thing keeping me sane is the thought that I may be able to dip my toes in a sparkling pool of cool ecstacy this summer if all goes according to plans. Hopefully I'll remember to clean the stupid pool before my new shiny pedicure becomes leaf encrusted. After further thought, that's what I have children for, after all.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Britney for President!!!

I think I've hit on something.

In an age where "one stop shopping" is the driving force behind everything from banking to burritos, let's consider the idea of combining American fascination with current political practices.

I vote that we elect Britney. Think of the positive benefits here: She never hides ANY of her embarrassing mistakes from us, she is calling into question the entire pharmacutical industry by performing personal evaluations on a myriad of products simultaneously, she has 24/7 media coverage so that no covert or shady dealings might be missed by a blissfully unaware public, and running mates....can you imagine the endless possibilities here??? Paris, Lindsey, the list could go on and on.

And the VERY best reason that we should elect Britney as the next president of the United States of America is that FINALLY the average American citizen won't be saddled with the delima that is... How do I devote enough time to learning about my country and my responsibility as a citizen without missing the lastest episode of Entertainment Tonight? Better yet...the her campaign slogan could be...

"I learned everything I needed to know about being a US citizen by watching the E channel!"

I don't think our current polling sites would be able to support the influx of new voters. In fact, I predict that a full 20% of the population might actually turn out to vote.

Sometimes, its up to us.

So, the queen of personal responsibility is having issues with.......personal responsibility. Crazy, huh? As I've gotten older, I think I have been sucessful in taking a lot of responsibility for my life. I struggled through college and took the job I didn't want, to eventually get the job I do. I am fiscally responsible and live pretty well below my means. My spending is always tempered with my saving. I try to cultivate a home of grace and peace (failing miserably most of the time) and take care to instill in my children the awesome opportunity that responsibility presents.

So where's the breakdown? What area have I not taken by the horns and given an ol' college try? Church Leadership. Over the last several years, while growing deeper in my faith, I've really wanted to step into women's leadership more at our church. So, what is my tactic? No tactic. None. In fact, so far all I have done is sit around and pout that I haven't been given more opportunities.

We're like that with the things of God, aren't we? The rest of the world might tremble in our wake, but we are plagued with the inability to move in and take possession of the work that God has for us. We let our feelings of inferiority, our pride, our distraction...just about anything keep us from stepping out and holding ourselves responsible.

How is that an assertive person can be so effective following their personal path, yet fail so miserably to make headway on a God ORDAINED path?